A review by rodeorocks13
Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak by Adi Alsaid


When I started the brief chronicle of another stupid heartbreak I was not sure what to expect. The synopsis sounded interesting but I read reviews before starting it. This is something I rarely do. I then found myself agreeing with a lot of them and finding this novel very angsty and the main character kinda creepy in a stalker way. After feeling like the book was dragging and too angsty I decided to sit back and think about who this stories main audience is meant for. Then I remembered what it was like to be in my teens and tried to read it from that age, not as an adult. I found the story better when looking at it from that point of view. I don't think this is the best young adult book I've ever read but it's not as bad once you get past the angst.
I do like the message that the author puts across. I think this is a good novel for teens around 16-19ish because of the message at the end. You have to experience the whole book to get to that message and really understand what the author was building to.
Brief chronicle of another stupid heartbreak is one of those books that some will love and some will hate. Some will relate to and some won't. I definitely don't think this book is perfect but it is better than I expected. If you don't mind angst and find the synopsis interesting like I did, this is a book you may want to try and judge for yourself.

I received an advanced reading copy through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.