A review by briarsreviews
Something Borrowed by Louisa George



Something Borrowed by Louisa George was seriously cute and is totally hyping me up for Valentine's Day!

Chloe Cassidy just had the worst thing that could possibly happen to a wedding planner happen - her husband left her at the altar. Jump forward, and suddenly she's getting flirty with the Best Man, otherwise known as the sexy Vaughn Brooks. Will this chef and wedding planner fall in love? Will her ex come running back to her? No matter what happens, romantic chaos ensues!

This book was seriously fun and absolutely delightful. I couldn't put it down and I honestly didn't want to. I love a good dramatic romance when I want to take a break from schoolwork. This book perfectly fit the bill! It is a wee bit stereotypical, but that's exactly what I signed up for!

The big bonus of this book is that the characters are definitely flawed. They aren't perfect and they've all had some rough times. Chloe's ex does seem like quite the psychopath, but having one strange character out of the bunch is fine with me. I enjoyed watching these characters grow and change, it was refreshing. I don't always see character in romance-y chick lit books so I'm impressed.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the side plot that I think will be carried on into another book. It was very sweet! I was confused at first as to why it was happening, but then I just enjoyed the ride. No spoilers, of course, because that would give away half the fun!

Are there negatives for this book? Yep, there sure are. Chloe's Mother's depression made me feel uncomfortable. There's also a lot of blame in this book for certain situations that realistically wouldn't happen (only through assumptions). None of this tore me away from the book, but I can see some readers not enjoying these aspects.

Overall, this book was a great read and I totally loved it. I want more books by Louisa George ASAP! I accidentally stumbled upon this book from Bookbub and the free iTunes bookstore, and I'm so glad I did. Hopefully more Louisa books find their way onto my shelves.

Four out of five stars.