A review by annabellawk
Escape by Sarah Govett


I do really like the world in The Territory trilogy, and I do really like the characters. But somehow the plot of this book didn't shine through like the first one.

In this book we get to see The Wetlands, the dreaded place, what Noa Blake (our main character) says is "A death sentence in all but name,"; what confuses me is that I had the impression that The Wetlands was like, I don't know, land that is wet . However, this place seems like more of a wasteland, with lots of salty puddles.

Now, this love triangle we've got going on. Not much of a love triangle. Bar the odd kissy-lovey scene, which are few and far between, there's next to no romance in this book. I like this, because, unlike many, many other YA heroines, Noa's mission, or multiple missions, are not clouded by the fact that she has a boyfriend, so kudos to her!

One character that I really admired was Megan. Right, we're introduced to her as Jack's new bacon and eggs. Bitchy, overprotective, so, you know, typical girl rival for a main character. Ugh , you think, Here we go again, another two-dimensional cliché catty girl . But! As the book progresses, we see that she isn't really a mean girl, but a leader, a fighter, a true heroine in herself. She fought for what she wanted/believed in, and even Noa came to respect that.

So, overall, good characters and development of them, awesome world, but the plot itself was a bit lacking, so its 4/5 from me :)