A review by melissad75
Dancing with Clara by Mary Balogh


The hero of this book is the WORST. I'm all for flawed heroes, but this guy's flaws (compulsive gambling and serial adultery) continue right up to the end of the book. Even in the final scene, when he's crying to his wife about how much he loves her, he's still not sure he's really going to be able to change his ways, much as he wants to. And the doormat heroine is all I'll forgive you over and over and over if I have to. That's the happy ending. Their relationship is a Dr. Phil episode waiting to happen.

I also hate the fact that the disabled heroine wasn't really disabled. She'd been told by her controlling, overprotective father since childhood that she couldn't walk, but she was really fine. Nothing that some exercising wouldn't cure. Oy vey. 1.) Would it be so terrible if a heroine actually was disabled and remained so? and 2.) This poor woman went from one co-dependent relationship, with her late father, right into another one with her fortune-hunting wastrel of a husband. It's pretty depressing.

This is the 2nd book in a series, something I didn't realize until I got into it and there were characters and past events I was clearly meant to know about. Even setting that aside, though, this was a frustrating read.