A review by paddlefoot55
Grind by Sawyer Bennett


ARC received for an honest review

Grind starts up right where Clash finishes, so you will need to have read the novella first.

This series just keeps on getting better and better.

There is a pretty fine line between love and hate, and Cal and Macy seem to be blurring that line. These frenemies are slowly but surely becoming more to each other.

They have been pushing each other's boundaries since they decided to do the sexy time thing. Their "friends with benefits" is seeing them actually becoming friends now! We are learning more and more about why Macy is the way she is. Saint Cal is breaking down her walls, and they are starting to develop real feelings for each other.

Did I mention that together they are hot? I mean steam up the windows H.O.T! Phew, I am still fanning myself.

Cal doesn't want to keep their "arrangement" secret, but does for Macy. Though they are not very good at keeping it hidden, as Mac and Matt are onto them. You know secrets never lead anywhere good, right?

The end of this book does leave us on a cliffhanger, but we only have a couple of weeks before book 3, Yield comes out, so I guess it won't be tooooo bad waiting... oh heck, who am I kidding, I need to know now what is going to happen!

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