A review by labunnywtf
Suicide Squad, Volume 1: Kicked in the Teeth by Adam Glass


Read for Book Roast's Magical Readathon: NEWTs Exams. Subject: Herbology, A Level. (Green Cover)

The start of the Suicide Squad.

Or, this incarnation of it, at least.

I really do love the Suicide Squad comics. I still haven't seen the movie yet, I want to, I just never have time for anything anymore. Once NEWTs is over, I may take a month off just to catch up on movies and TV shows.

Heh. Right. Because I could do that in just a month. Sure.

Anyway, off track. I've read more recent volumes of Suicide Squad, I presume by an entirely different writer. I'm tickled that we get Task Force X members I'm not familiar with. I mean, some of them turn out to be red shirts, but still, very cool. I like the Yo Yo guy.

Now, do I like that, because the high security prison is set in Louisiana, we go to a real town in Louisiana that I'm familiar with, and they refer to it as Hicksville and it looks like a super ghost town with wooden buildings and dirt roads?

Not so much. If you're going to pull that, there are plenty of actual Hicksville cities to base this on, don't pick one at random. We have a city called Pumpkin Center that is LITERALLY just one road, FFS. Come on, man, work harder than that.

There's a certain amount of, "Oh, this was the plan all along, ha ha, you fell for our ruse to show who you REALLY ARE" throughout, and while normally I love this in any form of media. I was annoyed that we got it twice in a row. Save the good moments like that, the fewer you use, the better the outcome.

The real star, of course, is Harley Quinn. I marathon'd some of her comics, so got really familiar with the quirky, bubbly side of her. It's rather refreshing to then read her in Suicide Squad, where she's utterly homicidally batshit crazy. And she really takes the cake in this one. I'm looking forward to reading the next installment to see where her storyline goes.

As far as the artwork goes, it's certainly well done, but falls right down the trap of "LOOK BOOBS." Come on, man, work harder than that.