A review by brandys_reading_count
‘Til All the Seas Run Dry by Eliza MacArthur

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
Once I got to the 40% point of the book, I gave up on it and started to skim it until it was over. That’s why I DNFd this book.

If you haven’t read Soft Flannel Hank, I definitely would suggest people do that before delving into this book. 

When I read this authors first book (Soft Flannel Hank), I was pleasantly surprised and I loved the world building and characters, unfortunately her second book Hold Fast was a bit disappointing for me. There were things in it that I was not a fan of. I was really excited about this one, but unfortunately I had similar things that I had problems with that I had with Hold Fast. 

There were things in this book that I really enjoyed, hence why I highlighted them, but then there were other things that I felt was unnecessary for the plot of the story. Also, there were secondary characters in here that I felt overshadowed the main characters love story. I sort of felt that way with the book Hold fast. Also parts of this were boring.

One of the things though that really ticked me off about the hero was the fact that when he turned into a vampire, he went back home where he stayed with Jory, and because his hunger was so great he drained her of blood. If she was a normal human, he would have killed her, but because Jory is a selkie and immortal I found it way too convenient that she survived, so her and Callum could have a second chance together.

I’m at the point with this author where I will give her one last chance, and if she disappoints me again, then I’m done reading her work. It’s unfortunate too, because I really loved Soft Flannel Hank.