A review by frakalot
Odyseja kosmiczna 2061 by Arthur C. Clarke


The third Odyssey is where the story really gets going for me. Despite Clarke's note, in which he claims that these books are not direct sequels to each other, I began to feel like this was all one big book before finishing the second Odyssey. At the end of the third, I'm thinking the publisher could wrap all four of these up in an omnibus edition and it would be the perfect way to consume the story.

Arthur enjoys his cryptic delivery, but also seems to like explaining the last story in the next one. This time, rather than simply recap the second Odyssey, Clarke has quite literally lifted passages from the earlier book. I'm wondering whether knowing that book four is the final Odyssey will force him to write less mysteriously, or if he'll just explain it all by the end of the same book. Or I suppose more dramatically he could leave us with unanswered questions, heavens forbid.

Clarke adds a few future-tech projections and that's always fun. He envisions an indefinitely reusable material called multifax which replaces paper and as he notes "has done so much to reduce the load on the humble wastepaper basket". I was thinking about this reducing the burden on trees, but yeah, ok.

I suppose I haven't said very much about this particular book. I thought it was the best so far. Characters were better but still not great. The plot feels like it has finally reached a meaningful section and it's probably a "me thing", but I'd prefer to follow all of the loose ends from the first books rather than leave it to my imagination.

So, it has been worth reading this far and now let's get cracking with The Final Odyssey.