A review by sebinsangel
Dating Disasters of Emma Nash by Chloe Seager


Yet another books that I was pulled in to the hype for right when it releases. I have to say I was pretty excited to pick this up because who doesn't like reading about other people's lives being a disaster so you can forget about yours for some time. I'm pretty sure that I finished this book in just about two days because it was so easy to read and quick as well. 

This book is written in blog post form by our main character Emma. Emma has spent all summer living a hermit life at home while wallowing over the fact that her recent boyfriend decided to ghost her. Come on people, ghosting is honestly worse than actually breaking up with someone. At least give a girl closure, right? While doing what any normal teenage girl would do, stalking your ex online, Emma finds that he's in a relationship with a new girl, while still not officially ending things with her. That's where everything starts.

I have to say, honestly I would probably act the exact same mopey way that Emma does when it comes to a break up. Especially because Emma and Leon were said to be such good friends before their relationship went to something more serious. But with that being said, there are some pretty crazy things that Emma does, like keeping a band-aid of Leon's under her pillow and apparently keeping a collection of candy wrappers that he's eaten. That all seems to be just a smidge to psychotic for me. Although, when you look at the kind of behavior her mom exhibits in the book, I guess it's no surprise that Emma acts like this as well.

Also, holy cow is masturbation mentioned so freaking much in this book. I get it, girls can be just as exploratory as boys when they're teens but I don't think I needed it to be mentioned about every ten pages. Sure it's a thing that happens but I don't need to know the details that I found out either. Although, Emma's first experience with an actual boy makes all the glamour other first times finally seem fake, where as her experience is EXTREMELY realistic. 

Overall I did enjoy reading this book, but there was so much that could have been explored during this book that was left untouched. I also feel like so many things were just left either unfinished or just too loosely left over. One whole plot point of the summary doesn't even happen til about the last 10% of the book and then it's blown up real quick and not fully fixed by the end of the book. Not a book I would suggest running out to buy, but if you want a chuckle inducing book maybe check to see if your library has it.