A review by girlontheverge
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


Whew! What a read! From the start I was completely captivated and in some ways ensnared by this twisting, gothic tale.

Isolated location? Tick. Creepy house? Tick. Even creepier inhabitants? Tick. A likeable and plucky protagonist drawn into something which may or may not be supernatural? Tick. Tick. Tick.

The atmosphere created here is palpable, and, if you’ve read any of my other reviews you know I’m a huge fan of atmosphere. Even reading this, as I did on a warm and sunny May day; I could still feel the damp and gloomy mist that sits high on the mountain overlooking El Triunfo.

Silvia Moreno-Garcia doesn’t exactly hide what is causing the trouble at High Place but she takes the obvious answer and twists it in such a way that is so deliciously grotesque that’ll it’ll definitely have you thinking twice about reaching for the Hongos Saltados.

P.S Noemí stan for life!