A review by moonwillow
Jonathan's Legacy by Hans M. Hirschi


I ugly cried through this book after receiving it as an ARC. To be honest, I wept throughout the entire series but promised to review this for release day. So I am reviewing this one first, even though this is the third in the “Jonathan” series.

This is a story of life, love and family: the legacy you leave after you are long gone but not forgotten. It is also a reminder that life goes on and that there is more than one chance at finding happiness.

This is a trilogy that should be read in one sitting, with no break, lots of snacks and no interruptions. Switch off your internet, put your phone on silent and have a great many tissues at hand. Emerge from the reading cave emotionally drained.

I do not usually deal well with deaths of characters in books. If I have any hint that this may happen I tend to avoid the story. Why would I put myself through that when there's enough angst in real life? I couldn't avoid this one, hence the ugly crying.

Hats off to Hans who, even though he took me through a whole sh*tload of emotions, I came out the other side feeling really quite good. How did he do it? You'll have to read the books to find out.

This series is full of hope and promise. I seriously recommend them.