A review by b00kr3vi3ws
The Book of Whispers by Kimberley Starr


Set in the early 1900s, The Book of Whispers is the story of Luca and Suzan. Luca can see demons and that is fact that he keeps well-hidden after a childhood experience. His dreams are like premonitions and so when he sees his father getting murdered, he decides to follow his father on a journey in order to be able to prevent it. That is where he meets Suzan, a girl raised in the convent and on the run after a close call at the convent. The thing is that Suzan too can see the demons. So together they work towards stopping the demons from taking over with a little help from the Book of Whispers.

The Book of Whispers is something that Luca inherited. It is surprising to see a book with almost as many secrets and as much character as a person in the plot. Both Luca and Suzan make for interesting protagonists. There is just enough details given about them to make a reader get acquainted with their characters. I loved the setting quite a bit and how the author has sprinkled little details throughout the book.

The romance in the book adds another element to the plot though I am not very sure of it. It felt kind of instantaneous and then builds on it. It wasn’t really the kind of romance I enjoy, but then again, the romance is not the main focus of the book so it is pretty easy to look beyond it. The book has a slow start, but once all the elements are in place the pace does not lag at all. So, readers need be patient towards the beginning.

Overall, it is a YA Fantasy that will appeal to many.