A review by aboutthatstory
Find Me in Pleasure by Julie Kenner


This was a great addition to the story! It jumps right back into it with a bit of a recap and then there is immediate action and intensity.

There's a lot of tension between the two main characters since Christina is fighting for self control of what's inside her and Mal is trying to help her. It created lots of heat, very sensual and erotic. There is definitely a hotness factor in this story but it seemed dialed back a bit with more of a focus on them, the otherworldly battles they were facing, and Christina’s internal struggle. Just like part 1, this is told from both their POV's but this one had more of a focus on Christina. I liked it, watching her work things out and grow but I did miss Mal’s voice. It was there, just not as balanced as the previous story. More details are learned about the past and other characters individual strengths, I thought it was all really cool.

This was fast paced in the beginning but there was a section in the middle that was a bit slower. There was a nice amount of action and drama at the end to round it all out. It really had me on the edge of my seat. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm excited for these characters to pull everything off to save Christina and as an added bonus, hopefully help another character as well. I am looking forward to part 3 and conclusion!

Bring on Find Me in Passion!

Complimentary copy received for honest review.