A review by assaphmehr
Kachka: A Return to Russian Cooking by Bonnie Frumkin Morales, Deena Prichep


This book is (almost) as much a memoir as it is a cookbook, but it will certainly make you fall in love with Russian cooking.

With sections ranging from drinks and pickles, through homestyle and BBQ cooking, to impressing guests at parties, this book covers a lot of ground. There are both traditional and regional recipes, from classic favourites to soviet era 'we-grew-up-on-this'. Each section and recipe are accompanied by a short introduction which is fun to read in itself, with clear instructions and enticing pictures.

Morales is a restaurateur and knows her kitchen, but be aware that the cuisine represent what the daughter of émigrés from the 70's would have experienced. This slants the selection of recipes into the more Belarusian region and Soviet eras (some of my Russian friends raised eyebrows at a few recipes and techniques, leading to spirited discussions and a rabbit-hole of food history), and the recipes have been adapted to a western environment (which isn't always bad, especially for those of us not having the whole day to cook).

I'd recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about Russian cooking, and have some fun doing it. It's not a traditional cookbook, but the recipes are clear and easy to recreate at home - all the extras just make it a joy to read for itself.
[a:Assaph Mehr|14422472|Assaph Mehr|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1596954987p2/14422472.jpg], author of [b:Murder In Absentia|29500700|Murder In Absentia (Felix the Fox, #1)|Assaph Mehr|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1457914061l/29500700._SY75_.jpg|46845657]: A story of Togas, Daggers, and Magic - for lovers of Ancient Rome, Murder Mysteries, and Urban Fantasy.