A review by honestmamreader
Hinton Hollow Death Trip by Will Carver


Ok, I don't know how to describe this book, I don't know where to start with my thoughts. This story makes you think, it makes you take a good hard look at life and people.

Evil is the narrator of Hinton Hollow Death Trip. Such a great concept, such a weird yet dam right fantastic idea. At times I felt like I was learning a lot from Evil. It was like a self-help book Evil was dissecting the inner workings of the human mind. How we interpret good versus evil. I found myself agreeing with a lot of things that Evil had to say. Does that make me Evil? You read this book and see what you agree with.

This is my first Will Carver book, admittedly I should have read the first two Detective Pace books, but I didn't realise this was a part of a series until I'd started reading. Carver has such a unique style of writing, I found it mesmerising yet also bizarre. Like I say when reading it did feel like a self help book. But, then at times it felt like I was being lectured by Evil. To the point where Evil was judging my thoughts on the story. Telling me not to read, or telling me how to interpret the story.

Even the structure of the story is not your normal tin of the mill book. It's not set out in chapters. It's split into days, and under the days we have sub-headings. This then feels like an essay. But, I really enjoyed this style. It gave the story more substance, we were allowed to delve deeper into the plot and go through each detail with Evil guiding us along.

Hinton Hollow Death Trip is a story that will give you so much to think about, it will make you question what you know about life. It will dig deep into your psyche. It will prod your brain and say 'hey you reader, this is what you should do'

This is a masterpiece on storytelling. It's not just a begining, middle and end type of book. It's a book with meaning and thought. Evil is a genius storyteller.