A review by guiltlesspleasures
Secret Desires of a Gentleman by Laura Lee Guhrke

Did not finish book. Stopped at 71%.
DNF 71%. 

Did Laura Lee Gurkhe actually write this travesty? I’ve only read two of her books—the previous two in the series—but loved the stories and characters and really loved her writing. 

This was… agony to read. So I stopped. Philip was an irredeemable prick, a gaslighter, who keeps blaming Maria for “making him” want her. He’s incredibly rude and snobbish and I just couldn’t believe she would be attracted to him, not just because he’s a dick but also because there is zero chemistry. 

The story is boring too - she is one of the best patissieres in London, she’ll have you know! At 71%, nothing much had happened except for a lot of reminiscing, a lot of baking and a lot of Philip jawing on about how annoyed he was that she kept making him want to shag her. 
