A review by sony08
The Crimson Corset by Alistair Cross


Well this might just be one of my favourite supernatural series. It is a mature mixture of Vampire Diaries, Dracula and Anne Rice books and somehow it works. It is a bit dirty; it has great characters, fabulous setting and secrets of night creature that are being slowly revealed throughout the story.

Cade turns up in Crimson Cove after the death of his mother, he comes to live with his brother Brooks that has made the little town his home a few years back. Things are going great for the brothers, until strange characters start turning up around Cade – pale, cold people that makes the hairs on his neck stand. Throw in the strangely protective behaviours of local Sherriff and friend Ethan and you have a great mix to start up paranoia in anyone.

And then Brooks gets a new, secret girlfriends and that’s when all goes downhill for Cade and Ethan. Cade gets a quick lecture on the night life creatures that have been roaming the woods of Crimson Cove for centuries and a battle to save his brother commences.

It’s a great-paced novel that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book and am already reading the second instalment. Alistair Cross has skilfully married the good and evil here and shown that not all that appears evil actually is.