A review by riellareads
Sensibly Wed by Kasey Stockton


The start of a new series, Sensibly Wed is a sweet and engaging story! Kasey Stockton is a great author, and I have really enjoyed the stories of hers that I have read. I am excited for this new series, because I love family series!
Felicity is struggling through the Season, as her incurable nerves make her unable to dance and is barely able to make it through a ball. Despite her hopes after meeting someone who finally seemed to understand her, 8 months have passed without any further connection. After escaping a ballroom for a little quiet, she finds herself alone with a gentleman. Although she hopes to avoid scandal and quickly leave, fate has other plans and for both of their name’s sake, they must marry. It is not until they are officially engaged that Felicity realizes that her husband-to-be is the brother of the very man she had hoped for a future with.
Felicity was a very relatable character. She had a lot of anxiety and was thrown into a new situation where she felt overwhelmed. Her feelings seemed very real and understandable. I thought that it was admirable how she sought to grow and decided to seek a relationship with her husband. I appreciated how much she pushed herself, but also stood up for herself. She found her place and it was really lovely to see.
James was so honorable and sweet. He was such an opposite from Felicity, but was trying so hard to build a relationship with her. We also get to meet the other Bradwell brothers and get snippets of who they are. As this will be a series, it is fun to see the characters that will be in other books. This story really centers on Felicity’s journey through her marriage and new life because of it. It is a sweet story and I would definitely recommend it! I am excited to read the rest of the series too! This is a clean historical fiction romance.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.