A review by vanessamariebooks
Fallen in Love by Lauren Kate


There are four short stories in this book that are set on Valentine's day in the medieval era. The first story follows Miles and Shelby and how they fall in love, the 2nd is about Roland's lost love, the 3rd is about Arriane's love and the last is Daniel and Luce. The stories on the fallen angels and how they find love is interesting. The 1st story with Miles and Shelby wasn't really believable to me. Their relationship seemed forced and awkward, and I didn't really like it. Roland's story made me feel bad for him. Arriane's story I didn't quite get all the way. One thing that doesn't make sense to me in this series is the whole fallen angel and deciding to side with Heaven or Hell. Isn't the whole point of being a fallen angel is that you side with Lucifer? If you're not siding with him then why would you be a fallen angel, why wouldn't you just be an angel? I thought the whole point of being a fallen angel is that you fell from grace when siding with him, but I guess being a fallen angel in this series is completely different, you can still choose to side with God. However, with Arriane's story I'm a bit surprised she didn't want to side with Lucifer considering her relationship. There's no way she would have been able to have that relationship in Heaven, so it would have made sense if she sided with Lucifer. The last story was with Daniel and Luce and how they only ever got to spend one valentine's day with each other. Seeing how the whole series is about Daniel and Luce, I wish the last story would have been about a different character from the series, like Cam. I want to know more about Cam and Lilith, how they met, fell in love. It's been a while since I read the first 3 books in the series, I know they talked about Cam and Lilith a little bit in the series but I don't think they went into depth about their relationship and I would like to know more of Cam's background so I think that story should have been included. Overall, the book was ok, 2.5 stars.