A review by maddiesreading23
Final Offer by Lauren Asher


"Coming back to Lake Wisteria wasn't just about finding myself, but about finding a family."

The most loved brother and anticipated book of the entire series AND CALLAHAN KANE DESERVES NOTHING LESS!!! I always knew he was going to be my favourite Kane brother, and I knew I was going to love Alana; how could you NOT love her!?

"Because I would have rather known what it felt like to have had you for a summer than to have not had you at all."

I love that this book was centred more around healing and family than it was the love story. Yes, we get to watch Cal and Lana fall in love, but they never really fell out of love; they were always only each other's person, and there was never a doubt in my mind that they would get their happy ending. It was merely a matter of time. I loved seeing Cal step into Lana and Cami's little family, the way he let himself not only envision that future for him and Lana, but believe that he was capable of having it, and more so, worthy of that future was so sweet. Lana is the most motherly person ever; not just in the way she is with Cami, but the way she cares for all the people she loves, and even the way she treats everyone in Lake Wisteria. She's mother through and through! She's been through so much, especially with her sister and Cal and the overlap with their experiences; she is so strong and deserves the world!!!

"You feel like home."

Cal's journey with his sobriety was something I was so intrigued to see. We got little tidbits of it in TFP and T&C but I'm so glad we got to explore it more in this book. To see the ways he struggled and the different things that were impacting his belief in his recovery and sobriety. Most of all, I loved seeing him learn to love himself. I'm so glad that Lauren gave this book the time and space to explore it all.

Somehow eight words make my knees as weak as my heart.

And Cami! The sweetest girl in the world <3 She is such a bright light in all the darkness and angst that we relive in moments through this book. I love her and Cal's friendship, and her relationship with Lana is so precious and sacred. The community of Lake Wisteria is so beautiful too, it's everything to love about a small town. I do think at times they were a bit harsh with Cal - this is a boy who they have seen grow up. As much as they know how deeply he hurt Lana when he left, they also know the wonderful person he was before all the hurt in his life, and they know he's capable of being that person again; I wish they had given him more of a chance than they seemed to. But he won them over in the end so I can't be too mad at it. Plus Wyatt really made up for the whole town's shortcomings in my opinion - I love that he was willing to help Cal if he wanted it, despite everything that has happened in the past; he was willing to give him a chance to prove himself <3

"I'm a nobody, Lana."
"You're somebody to me."

I adore the nostalgia of Lake Wisteria. The wood slats of the dock? The dares? The strawberry festival? I love that every little thing had some meaning for Cal and Lana - everything held significance, even when they were just friends.

"To three strong women who refuse to put up with the Kane brothers' usual bullshit."

I love Delilah and Violet - their friendship with Lana is everything! Iris, Zahra and Cal being brunch besties is my favourite thing of all - CHEFS KISS! Declan with his protective dad energy and Rowan with his sage wisdom and love life advice I love my boys! I really love that we got to see Declan and Cal talk things out and help each other see their side of it all - Declan loves and cares for Cal but he has a hard time showing it, and that conversation between them was so important in my opinion. I'm so glad we got to see them all kind of step into this new phase of their brotherhood - leaving the past behind and moving toward love and happiness and everything they deserve <3 and Seth getting EXACTLY what he deserved THANK YOU BRADY KANE YOU BRILLIANT MAN!

"I'd like to make a toast to us finally achieving our dreams."
I tap my glass against his. "And the women who helped us along the way. "

This was the perfect ending to the series. I'm so sad to be closing the book on the Kane brothers, but my heart is so happy to see them all find the happiness they deserve <3

*SPOILERS* some of my favourite moments and quotes:

"She always said a woman should be two things - armed and dangerous."

"You always deserved better than me."
"No. I deserved better from you."

"Hi, Cow-l."


"you wore the same dress from our first date."

"I had lost my reason for getting sober in the first place" ... "You, Lana. I lost you. "

"Is that a dare?"
"It's a promise."


'Get drunk on life, not alcohol.'

"Today is the first offical day where I choose to be sober."

"I plan on earning every single one for the three of us."

"I want to spend my life daring you to do shit you're afraid of, while having you push me to do the same. Just like I want to become the man you always dreamed I could be once I got my life together."

Cami asking Cal adopt her MY HEART BURST