A review by bookofcinz
Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun by Sarah Ladipo Manyika


My only complaint is how short this book is. This is an intelligent look into the life of a 75 year old woman whose lived a very full life. I cannot get enough of books written from the perspective of older women who are still living their very best lives! Honestly, too often we read books about older women and they are dowdy, grandmothers filled with regrets... this is the opposite of our main character.

While she is almost 75 she's lived a full life, she's got a lot going for her, independent, and spunky without being a stereotype. This is such great story, written with care, love and intelligence. If this is not on your reading list... IT SHOULD BE!

Deep down, I know that my desire to return home comes from nostalgia than genuine longing to return.

I no longer organize by books alphabetically, or arrange them by colour of spine, which was what I used to do. Now the books are arranged according to which characters I believe ought to be talking to each other. That's why Wide Sargassi Sea sits directly above Jane Eyre. The latter used to sit next to each other but then I thought it best to redress the only colonial imbalance and give Rhys the upper hand- upper shelf.