A review by owlyreadsalot
The Final Six by Alexandra Monir


"A funny thing happens when you have nothing left to live for. Your existence loses all its sharp edges. There are no more steep drops, no hills to climb. Colors blur and muddle together until your surroundings are a bunch of meaningless shapes and figures painted in the same shade of gray. There's nothing that could possibly surprise you or resurrect those old sensations of joy or fear. No human can be as unfeeling, as numb, as you are. And then, just when you're getting lulled into the monotonous routine, something snaps. No more."

That first chapter set up the rest of the book for me, with a world in chaos, oceans risen, and the perseverance of the youth. It didn't take much more to get me to read on and take in all this book had to offer. Yes, there were parts that read like many sci-fi dystopian worlds, a few movie ones included, but it delivered in its own unique twist and made it worthwhile.

There were many moments throughout their training that reminded me of those dystopian worlds I couldn't get enough of, the fight that comes with it, to excel, to survive, to be the first of many. I know there were parts that seemed rushed or placed for the total shock factor, but it was good placement that made for an interesting read.

I usually am not a fan of books leaving off on a cliffhanger, but this time around I actually liked the way it transitioned into that moment. I would have liked to have seen a little more outside of the training facility, or the treatment they were going through to get there, but it'll hopefully be having a lot of the action, of space and the beyond, in the sequel. Can't wait for its release.