A review by bwagner
Countdown to Love by Allyson R. Abbott


Countdown to Love: A Silver Night Romance by Allison R. Abbott is a short story that will leave you laughing through most of the book. This is not my first story by this author and I think her stories get better and better with every one I read. I enjoy her writing style and creation of characters, they are great and add much to her stories. This story is about a woman who is older and has come to realize that there just may be more to life then what she has lived. This is the story of Marie. She has decided that she has been without a man for too long. So, she decides to put a project together to find a man by Valentines Day. Not only has she decided this for herself but she has also decided to find romance for her neighbor, Richard, too. They go along with Marie's plan and Richard gets his own ideas in there as well. Marie is a take charge type of woman and wants things done. She has a strong personality that can be good and bad. She is determined that they make the project work and the things they do will just leave you laughing. Will they succeed and find romance in time for Valentines Day? These characters will keep you reading until the very end. This is a fast reading story and I read it in one sitting. I highly recommend this story as it is a cute short story about life as an older woman who still has some life in her and left to live. I can't wait to see what stories this author will have for us next!