A review by jennifermreads
The Hunger Games: Official Illustrated Movie Companion by Kate Egan


Apparently the author of this book and The World of Hunger Games also is the editor that worked with Suzanne Collins on the original trilogy. The author’s apparent closeness to the subject does not change the fact that I am highly disappointed in all three companion books.

Would it have been so incredibly difficult (apparently it is/was) to include photos of all the tributes’ parade costumes in at least one of the books. I find it utterly impossible to believe, even more impossible after reading the chapter in this book about hair, makeup and costumes, that the costume staff did not fully outfit each & every one of the tributes for the parade. I was/am longing to see the come-to-life visualization … especially given how closely Ms. Collins worked with the movie staff – it was sure to have been her vision!

While this was an entertaining book, and it is nice filler while I await the release of the DVD, it didn’t really add anything to my love or understanding of the books or film. The Twilight movie companion books transported me to the set and filled in blanks; they were more magical and seemed to give a true “look behind the door.” Had I read this before the movie release, it would have served as a prelude and a tid-bit to help me hang on until the release. As it is, I read it months after the release and, while I’m not sorry I took the time to read it, I’m disappointed there wasn’t more.

There was one item that just got me excited: a paragraph about how they prepared for the bread drop from District 11. This was one item I was sad to see cut from the film and it thrills me to learn that it made the script but not the final cut. I HOPE it makes the DVD as a deleted scene.