A review by channywax
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink


I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, it was beautifully written. The language of the time period was really well done. The details were really good, and I liked most of the characters.
On the other, the book was a lot darker than what I'm used to. It wasn't scary by any means, just a little more sad, and had darker themes about it, like ghosts, and devils and such.
I really enjoyed Lia's character. Her coming to terms with who and what she was, seemed normal to me. I would have freaked out too. She is a good girl, and doesn't want anything bad to happen to anyone. She was fiercely protective of her little brother and her friends. Nothing like her sister Alice, who basically wants to destroy the world. Alice was actually really interesting. I enjoyed reading about her, probably because she was so mysterious, and downright evil. She did a few things that made me think, "Are you serious?". I like a good villain, and she was definitely not a nice girl. It made me want to read the sequel even more to find out what she thinks of next.
I wish James would have been in it a little more. He could have used more fleshing out, and I wish I could have gotten to know him a little more. He does love Lia, that is obvious, but I think he could have been in the story a little more. Probably because I missed having more romance!:)
The plot was intriguing, and a little confusing. I liked where the story went, but it was a little too dark for my taste. I will most definitely read the sequel, since I'm a little obsessive like that, and I'm curious to see where the author takes the story from here.
Content: It was actually a pretty clean read. I don't remember any swearing, sex, or violence even. There was some kissing, and a few supernatural elements, like ghosts, and demons, and they talked about the Devil a little bit as well.