A review by offictionandfantasy
The Secret of the Mansion by Julie Campbell


I haven’t read this book since I was a child, and it was great to re-read it! It was interesting to see how Trixie, Honey, and Jim all first met as well. I didn’t remember how young they were because they seemed so old when I was a kid myself.

The major con of this book - in the first few chapters there is a scene where Trixie and an actual doctor discuss how to properly care for a venomous snake bite, and they both agree that the only way to do it is using a tourniquet and sucking the venom out. This was one of the first series I read on my own as a child and so I’ve always thought this? This time, I was depicting the scene to my husband and best friend, a soldier and a Boy Scout, and they were both horrified that anyone would think that today. The book is from the 1940s originally, so it makes sense that they thought such a think back then, but I wish it could be edited somehow so that more children don’t think that’s legitimate first aid advice.

I look forward to eventually re-reading the rest of the series! This was one of my grandmother’s favorites, and even though she’s no longer with us, it’s so nice to have something in common with her still.