A review by bookph1le
Dreamer's Pool by Juliet Marillier


I loved most everything about this book, but I wanted to throttle Blackthorn near the end, even though I could see why she acted the way she did. The best thing about this book, in my opinion, is Grim, who tugged at all my heartstrings.

I also want to note that I think this book's cover, while pretty, is deceptive. This isn't a princess-y romance tale, it's a fascinating and richly developed look at how trauma has affected Grim and Blackthorn. It's also an interesting story about power and how those who possess it choose to use it.

Also, Blackthorn is great. She is a strong character without diving headfirst into Strong Female Character tropes, and I loved her for it. She's also one of the most feminist characters I've read in a fantasy novel, but not in a way that seems incongruous with the setting.

The book's feminist themes about how some men deprive women of their power and agency is well-done and nuanced, and using Prince Oran as a lens for how a narrow view of masculinity also adversely affects men was an excellent literary device.

One last comment: I think other reviewers' critiques about the way female sexuality is treated in this book are fair. I'm not giving the book a pass per se, but I think the book's overall message on the subject are mixed. There are clear and emphatic messages about consent, but I found the messages about sexuality much more muddied.