A review by teeggzz
Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson


Wowee. Honestly I need to read more contemporaries because I really loved this book. It was just the light, fluffy book I needed and I enjoyed every second of it.

For a start I wasn't too fond of Emily but she definitely grew on me. She's just so relatable! Especially in social situations. At the start of the book when she was more reserved and introverted, the thoughts that went through her mind I could relate to on a personal level. The way she over thought and over analyzed everything was so authentic and I really loved seeing her character growth. By the end of the book you could see how far she had come and she was so much more confident in herself.

I just knew, knew, knew that Frank was going to be a major part of this book. From his first appearance I knew we hadn't seen the last of him. And omg Emily and Frank are so cute! I wasn't too keen on Frank for a start but as their relationship progressed I couldn't get enough of him. He was just such a down to earth, nice guy with really good intentions. I also kinda figure that when Frank drove down to see Lissa that he was breaking up with her. I actually thought they had previously broken up on his birthday, but come on, it was inevitable. The build up and tension between Emily and Frank was just so well done.

The plot line started off kinda slow but I didn't really mind that. I was really just enjoying every second of it. I really appreciated getting flashbacks with Sloane and Emily so we could really see there friendship develop. I also loved how oddly unpredictable the tasks on the list were. Some of them I thought would play out a certain way and then would be completely flipped around. Although, one thing I did have a problem with was how Emily's friendships with Dawn and Collins were left unresolved. I was hoping at some point they would make up.

Over all I really, really enjoyed my time with this book and it just made me happy :)
(Also mad props to Emily at the end with her departure with Sloane. If my best friend moved away I would probably cry for eternity.)