A review by bookbloggerjanine
Nobody But Us by Laure Van Rensburg


Nobody But Us by Laure Van Rensburg
I give this book 4 stars

Steven Harding is a handsome, well-respected professor.
Ellie Masterson is a wide-eyed young college student.
Together, they are driving south from New York, for their first holiday.
It should be a perfect, romantic trip for two………..

A topical, dark and disturbing psychological thriller.This book starts off at the end of the story which immediately pulls you in, Told to you by the 2 main characters and an unknown diary writer we then explore the backstory…..a creepy remote setting, no connection to the outside world…….everything isn’t as it seems,suspense builds,whose lying,are secrets being hidden,who is out for revenge,how does it all fit together………..
If you want to know you’re just going to have to read it for yourself!
With thanks to Netgalley, Laure Van Rensburg and Penguin Michael Joseph UK for my chance to read and review this book