A review by pippinthepuffin
Da Vinci's Tiger by L.M. Elliott


If I were to describe how I felt after reading this book in one word it would be: relieved. A book is pretty bad at least for me when it makes me tried while reading it as reading is the past time that I do for enjoyment so it should not feel like work. I pushed through it because: 

I needed another book to complete my GoodReads and Beat the Backlist challenge. This one was short, only 281 pages, so I figured that I could knock it out quickly. 
I owned it. 
Relating to #2, I started reading and was actually enjoying so I kept reading. 
That was my biggest source of disappointment; I had high hopes and this book let me down. I was expecting this lush romance between Leonardo Da Vinci and Ginvera as well as more of her spunky attitude and poetry. At least I got her spunky attitude. As for the romance, that was barely a blip and it seemed that she had feelings for him but he did not reciprocate because he was gay but hey it was again like a sentence so who knows. Also, the tagline was "Poet. Muse. Revolutionary." and I got the poet and muse part but I think I missed the revolutionary part.

However, the worst part of the book was all of the names. I understand that this was 15th Century Florence and who you know relates to the power that you have but there were WAY TOO MANY NAMES. Plus they all sounded the same. For example, I was over half way done before I realized that Ginvera's brother was Giovanni, not Giuliano. I wish that Elliot had limited the number of characters because it felt more like a history book then a work of fiction. On that note, I do salute Elliot in the amount of research that she did for this book. In that aspect, this book did allow me to learn about the Medici family, the Renaissance, and Leonardo Da Vinci's life. I would recommend it to a teacher who wants to give their students a book for history class. 

Now for the prose and plot, they can be summed up to tiresome. I felt like I was walking though sludge. There were points when it did pick up, especially when the Abbess was talking Ginvera, that was my favorite character interaction. However, the overall feeling was boring.