A review by michaelnlibrarian
War Dances by Sherman Alexie


Well, this was a disappointment. I very much enjoyed "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" but these weren't very good stories - except for War Dances (the title story) that I realized I had read in the last few months in the New Yorker! Since I got this out of the library, I have no complaints on that score, but usually one can detect the possibility of this in the copyright statement where it will say, "the story blah-blah was published in XYZ" or some such. Here I guess he made a deal to publish the best story in the New Yorker after the book went to press. Good publicity for a not-so-great book.

Mr. Alexie in the New York Times commented that these stories were unusual for him since the central characters in several were not native Americans. Those two stories in particular are not very good.