A review by cakt1991
Past Present Future by Rachel Lynn Solomon


 I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own. 
I had mixed feelings when I heard Rachel Lynn Solomon was releasing a follow-up to Today Tonight Tomorrow. On the one hand, I loved the first book, so I’d love more of those characters, but that story was so perfect the way it was, I can’t see how it could believably be expanded upon. But with Past Present Future, she proved me wrong for the most part. While there are some moments that did feel like filler, I for the most part liked how Solomon expanded on her characters and their relationship. 
With it having been a while since I read the first book, I enjoyed getting to know Rowan and Neil again, and loved picking up on the little things I liked about them the first time around, especially Rowan’s love for romance novels. And with them both going off to different colleges, I liked that each had their own arc. Neil’s journey with his mental health was particularly moving, although Rowan coming into her own as a budding novelist also really spoke to me. 
While a long-distance relationship can be hard to pull off, I mostly enjoyed how Solomon pulled it off. I loved the text conversations, phone calls, and those fleeting visits on weekends, and how they challenged the budding romance. The high stakes came from whether they’d make it with the distance, and I was very happy with how things turned out. 
This was an enjoyable continuation, and I’d recommend it to readers of the first book who are open to reading more from these characters.