A review by writtenechoes
Inevitable by Briar Prescott


“Stay. Please,” Drew whispered. His gaze moved from Ezra to Bas and back to Ezra. “Please,” he repeated. “It’s us. Not me and Bas. Not me and you. It’s us. I want us.”

This book is the perfect example of why I love to read MMM. Absolutely everything about this was perfect. Focusing on the relationship between the three men first, this is a slow burn despite starting with a hook up between Ezra and Drew. The chemistry between them was explosive. But then it switched to Bas’ POV and you see that Bas and Drew are actually hopelessly in love. Best friends since childhood, living together as a adults, they are together without actually being together. Why? Bas is asexual and he’s scared to attempt a relationship with Drew only to find out he’s not enough. So instead they stayed friends, pining away, and Bas watched as Drew had hook up after hook up.

”He fucks whoever catches his eye, and he moves on. They never last. And at the end of the day, he comes home to me. All these one-night stands get is fleeting pleasure and a moment of bliss. I get the parts of him that matter. It might not be the perfect solution, but it’s worked for me so far.”

But something about Ezra was not the same as most hook ups. And suddenly Ezra ended up living with the two men BUT he told Drew no hooking up. Just friends now that they’re living together. What followed was some of the most domestic slow burn shit I’ve ever read. Watching these three men find their footing as friends was delightful. This book doesn’t have a lot of outside angst or drama. Everything about this book is relationship driven and it worked. There is the fear from Ezra that he was just a cog in the wheel so that Drew and Bas could be together. There is the fear from Bas that Ezra and Drew would be better off without him due to his asexuality. There is the fear from Drew that one of the men he is starting to love will leave him. But the communication in this was top tier. Along the domestic fluff there was a lot of communicating like adults. Talking through emotions. Fights were shown with realistic apologies and communicating.

Briar obviously did a lot of work here in regards to asexuality. This reminded me a lot of one of my fave Kevin/Andrew/Neil fics from the AFTG fandom especially in regards to Bas need to feel close to the men he loved but also not wanting to always be present for sex. I loved how understanding and also loving Ezra and Drew were to Bas even when maybe he didn’t expect them to be. There were not a lot of sex scenes in this book. It was low steam and I loved it. The focus really was on their relationship and the steam that was here added weight to them together, all the scenes had purpose. These guys just really GOT one another, supported one another, fit together perfectly.

I also loved the overlapping theme in regards to family. Drew’s family can kick fucking rocks. So many times my heart ached for him as he tried so desperately to make his conservative family love him. But by the end he realized the love of his two men, accepting himself, meant more than prostrating himself at his family’s feet. Again, a very realistic portrayal.

As you can tell from my long winded review, I really loved this book. I’m sure I’ll return to it a lot. It had the right amount of angst and love. Which is always what I’m looking for in my romance novels. Bas and Drew and Ezra are the epitome of soulmates, no relationship more equal than another. I know a lot of people stay away from MMM because they think someone will be left out, and yes that’s true for some MMM, but it’s not true here. Cut your teeth on this one as your first MMM and you won’t be disappointed because these men are equals with each other.

“You’re my people. You’re a part of me. It’s like…” He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to find the right words. “You two are my heart,” he said like it was the simplest and most obvious thing in the world.