A review by theyarnling
A Lust for Blood by K.C. Smith



Lust for Blood by K.C.  Smith  

Overall 3.75  

Spice 3 
  • Graphic violence 
  • Gods Monsters and Magic
  • Fast-paced 
  • Dual POV (
  • Flashback  and Timeline Jumps 
  • Hard to follow 1st half 
  • Engaging 2nd half 
  • Starts with a BANG
  • Diablo & Witcher Vibes
  • Dr. Jekyll& Mr. Hyde 
  • Miscommunication & Secrets 
  • Curses 
  • Awesome Concept 


  • Thanks to Netgalley and Phantom House Press for an ARC of debut author K.C. Smith, A Lust for Blood. Smith does not hold back on descriptions of violence and gore however this isn’t exactly a “dark” romance, I felt like I was reading a standard fantasy romance set in the Witcher or the Diablo universes. The retelling of Dr. Jekyll& Mr. Hyde as a curse and a demon hunter as the love interest plays a touch into the enemies to Lover vibes however the secrets and miscommunication tropes made it hard to see. (we literally have characters running off before they can share) The story really takes off around 65% when you get to Part 3 now that we are past the confusion/miscommunication/secret keeping we get to the real story. Which is fantastic.  Though by this point you have a chapter of info dumping to make up for all of it. As a debut this is STRONG and I look forward to seeing how KC Smith grows as an author as these concepts dialogue and action sequences are FANTASTIC.