A review by srreid
Last Chance to See: In the Footsteps of Douglas Adams by Mark Carwardine, Jovana Kuzmanović


Took me a while to read, but that was mainly as this was my bathroom book, so only a few pages were getting read at a time. But what a wonderful book. Following on from the adventures Mark had with Douglas Adams 20 years previously, Mark returned to some of the same places to see what had changed, but this time he took another author and legend with him in the shape of Stephen Fry. There is so much humour in this book it is a pleasure to read, Mark's writing style is superb without going into any technical detail. Stephen doesn't seem to fit into the mould of a nature traveller at all, but he gives it his all, to some minor mishaps along the way, with his usual amount of good humour. These two make an excellent pairing and i would love to see them do it all again down the line.