A review by dreamerfreak
The Shifter's Trail by Adam Alexander


The Shifter's Trail was a relatively quick and easy read for me, but I never did quite feel drawn into the story. While it was easy enough to keep flipping the pages, I didn't connect emotionally with the characters and generally felt distant from the happenings in the story. That said, it's well written and for the right audience, it could definitely be a page-turning adventure. I'm just not the right audience, I'm afraid.

Andromeda, Mhairi, and DeMarcus are certainly adventuresome kids! On a normal outing, they find themselves dragged into an alien rescue operation and obligated to help if they ever want to return home. Now ensues seeking out the bad aliens in order to find the missing alien... preferably without parental interference. Good luck.

I can't put my finger on exactly why this didn't work for me. I loved the characterization of the different alien species. It was unique and fun. DeMarcus's constant disappointment with alien technology is amusing as well. But something in the human element was missing for me.
SpoilerAndromeda's mother's death seemed vague and distant. She disappeared, they had a funeral, but nothing clicked emotionally. Andromeda herself seems disconnected from the event, which makes a little sense, but denial doesn't last forever. It just bugged me.
Everything seemed too black and white and "tied with a bow" pretty. Maybe this is just aimed at too young of an audience and I was expecting something different.

Either way, though this book was not for me, it's not by any means a bad book. In the right reader's hands, in fact, I'm pretty sure it can be fantastic. So if it catches your interest, don't hesitate on my account.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]