A review by sipreadlove
The Open Door by Laurelin Paige


** I do want to start out by saying that there is a trigger warning. There is a scene in this book where at one of the parties there is rape roleplay. It is very intense and even I wasn’t expecting it. Please proceed with caution if this is something that will trigger you. I just wanted everyone to be aware so that you are not taken by surprise. **

I could very much relate to Gwen and JC. They were married for a few years and had three boys under the age of six. Things in there house are absolutely crazy and there’s not time for anything other than kids. I have twins and the chaos never stops. There are times where kids were sick or puking in the middle of trying to have an adult time is completely relatable. That is why I knew that this book was for me.

One of the things I found sexy about this couple was their communication. There was never a time where they didn’t talk through things and work on their marriage. It was very realistic and made for less drama and more steamy sexy scenes. Some of the best romance is the kind you can relate to as a married woman and shows healthy relationships. Not all relationships are angst and trauma. It’s important to show that there are all kinds of romance in the world.

I definitely think that this is a perfect read for any woman who feels like she is in a bit of a slump. This is some romance at it’s finest.