A review by bookgirlbrown_reviews
The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb


Ray McMillian discovered his love and talent of music and playing the violin early in his life, but his family could never afford to buy him a violin of his own. When Ray finds an old violin in his grandmother’s attic, he is filled with joy when she tells him he can keep it.

That joy soon turns to misery. When his family learns the violin is very special and is valued at 10 million dollars they want their share urging Ray to sell it and split the money between them. It had once belonged to his great-great-great-grandfather, and they feel entitled to the money. Then there is the Marks family, the descendants of the people who enslaved Ray’s great-great-great-grandfather, who claim the violin legally belongs to them and they want it back.

A couple weeks before a huge and important performance, the violin goes missing, in its place a single white converse shoe with a ransom note claiming Ray will get the violin back when he pays $5 million in bitcoin for it. With so many suspects, can Ray, or the police, find his violin in time?

This is a story of perseverance, a true testament to the strength of the human spirit. Ray grew up poor, a child of color in rural North Carolina, he experienced racism of all forms. At every turn it seemed the odds were against him. His only saving grace were his grandmother and music teacher/promoter, Janice. They taught Ray valuable life lessons that he used to maneuver in this world. They helped shape who he became as a man.

Instead of becoming like the hateful and ignorant people around him, Ray rose above the hate, the stereotypes, the racism and pursued his dream. He could have given up, become one of the angry, hateful, people.

This story speaks to the impact that one or two people can make in one person’s life. If Ray didn’t have those two people in his life - he may have turned out different - may have given up on his dream.

The story is told through different phases of Ray’s life. It’s interesting to see the cause and effect of certain situations. A powerful and engrossing read. You’ll be all up in your feels. A must read.