A review by beckyrendon
Don't Be Afraid by C.A. Harms


Don't Be Afraid...my ass. Be afraid, be very afraid. This book is incredible. It hurts so good. The feels...

I was a blubbering baby. My husband rolled his eyes at me but this book caused "F-Me I Feel Like I'm Dying" ugly cries. I look like Medusa on heroin with my puffy eyes and sniffling to keep the snot in. I am a hot mess of emotions on date night no less. So be afraid, be very afraid. CA Harms ruins date nights and breaks hearts, decimates hope, and stabs happiness in this beautiful, beautiful story.

Did that make sense? Maybe?! Okay here goes:

CA Harms wrote a blurb. The blurb had a lump forming in my throat. I had a feeling my reactions were not going to be tame. Then CA Harms let me read the book that the blurb belongs to (technically, she didn't know it was me. It was through a blog and a release...not important). And that's when my world fell apart!

I'm talking soul shattering intensity. I was a sobbing limp rag, a shell of a person while reading this book. It is so emotional, so raw. It's so damn real it hurts.

Have you ever experienced loss?
Feared the future?
Mourned the past?

If so, this book captures those feelings and magnifies those pains. For those who haven't, it comes pretty darn close to giving you that experience.

I often get tears reading. I even find I have ugly cried a bit. But this made ugly crying look like alligator tears. I was a pathetic mess. I literally sobbed into my shirt trying to muffle my cries. It is intense. It's raw. It's real.

So I say be afraid of your reaction, be afraid you don't have enough tissues, be afraid your dog will cry with you.

Don't Be Afraid to read it. Don't Be Afraid to love it. Don't Be Afraid

reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood