A review by verityw
The Merchant of Death by J.A. Rock, Lisa Henry


*****Copy from NetGalley in return for an honest review****

I really enjoyed this - even if it did end on a cliff hanger - again! I think you probably need to have read the first book to get the best out of this - it doesn't spend much time setting up Henry and Mac's relationship - which suited me fine - but I can imagine it would cause problems for readers who happened on this by chance.

That said, I thought this almost was better than the first one - more action, more depth - and Henry became more rounded and understandable. It is almost verging on needing a bit of a trigger warning though - I can't quite decide if Henry's backstory adds up to being a trigger for people who've suffered sexual violence. I don't think it does, but there's definitely a hint of that. But then there are some fairly seedy characters in this all around, and there's a lot of dodgy stuff going on.

I'm looking out for the next one already!