A review by lynn_webb
Brutal Captor 3 by Amber Adams


*I highly recommend reading the first two installments before starting this one. However, it is not necessary to follow along if you haven’t.

In this installment, we learn just what lengths the enemy will go to in order to cut Valentine at the knees. Not to be outdone, he and his “team” are successful in protecting April while confirming, yet again, that she’s not going anywhere. Feeling trapped, April finally realizes the weight of everything that is happening to her. Once her too also realizes this and takes stock of what she’s doing through, Valentine is determined to make her feel better and “fix it.”

I find myself still enjoying this story however I want it to get to the last book simply because I want to know how it all ends. I enjoy the characters continued evolution but really don’t like Valentine’s uncle and mother. I have a few theories as to what will happen next but will have to wait and see if they come to fruition. Adams has created a world that as pulled us in and I have a few theories as to what is next. I can’t wait to see if they come to fruition.

Voluntarily reviewed after receiving a free copy courtesy of the author, Amber Adams.