A review by jasminenoack
The Vegan Revolution... with Zombies by David Agranoff


I apologize in advance for everything I'm going to say in this review. Please instead see:

"Vegans" bug me. not vegans those are fine, well they can be a pain to go out to eat with but as long as Kris doesn't make me pick out the restaurant and Alex doesn't spend time telling me about pigs I don't care. On the other hand "Vegans" and what I mean by this is the people you who feel the need to talk about how vegan they are. I mean here's the thing, I'm vegetarian but most of my friends didn't know for months, some still might not but eventually people ask why you aren't eating cheese burgers so most do. Or even like I'm an atheist and plenty of my friends don't know that. Because well this is my life and that is their life. Well "Vegans" from my experience are ridiculously righteously indignant and habitually tell you how terrible of a person you are. (The fact is I shouldn't be accosted for eating cheese just cause I walked into the room.) if you are this books you add weird multiple choice questions about bacon being scraped off a pigs ass...

Although perhaps I should have realized this book would be like that, this may be a personal failing.

This book made me feel like I was talking to those people... which always makes me want to eat a steak just to spite them and I don't even like steak.

I have an inner desire to give this book one star, but I feel like it probably is not a one star book.