A review by sjj169
Death, the Devil, and the Goldfish by Andrew Buckley


This story starts off with the Devil making a contract with God to get to come to earth for a week. What he does't read in the contract is that if the body he wants is not available then God gets to send him to an available body. Thus we have the Devil possessing a cat.

Death gets drunk and lets the Devil cat talk him into quitting his job. Thus people quit dying. People should die and they try to but then their souls just turn around and go back to where they are. Confusion ensues.

The cast of characters are stellar. You have Rupert the cab driver who I find hilarious-he talks non stop about stealing hotel soaps and Gabriel who was a penguin before being granted a body during the craziness. Those are just a couple of my favorites.
The two characters that shine though are the Devil and Death. Flipping hilarious.

Andrew Buckley has a talent for taking stories where I've never seen them go before and I likes it. This was his first book and for a first book it's pretty dang strong.
I did like [b:Stiltskin|18693066|Stiltskin|Andrew Buckley|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1382354557s/18693066.jpg|26541425] much better but this one wasn't chump change.

I will be changing my answering recording to this thanks to this book: Hi, you've reached the Devil in the very pits of Hell; unless you wish to be ravaged relentlessly I suggest you don't leave a message. Oh, and wait for the beep.

I did receive a copy of this book from the author and yes he is my friend. That has nothing to do with nothing and these are my true thoughts. As far as I know Andrew Buckley does not have mind control. Maybe.