A review by leavingsealevel
City of Bohane by Kevin Barry



I disliked this book, but I disliked it with interest and engagement, which ought to count for a second star. This arguably deserves a few *more* stars even, but Goodreads' rating system asks me whether or not *I* liked a book, so that's what I use.

I appreciated the world Barry builds, even as I was conscious of how much I disliked reading about that near-future-dystopian, inexplicably-technology-limited, fashion-obsessed world. The feeling from that world has stayed with me after finishing the book (and breathing a sign of relief and feeling accomplished).

Maybe it's just been too long since I last read a book that was challenging in this way. I read a lot of books that challenge my politics and my worldview and my privilege, and then a lot of books that maybe don't do those things but that entertain me without making me work for the entertainment. Post-university, without having to take lit classes, I don't really read writing that is in and of itself challenging (setting aside challenging themes or content).