A review by fibrejunky
Mexico One Plate at a Time by Rick Bayless


I still need a copy of this one. I read it when I was doing research on Mexican cooking for a class in culinary school. Chef Bayless knows what he's talking about. This man even convinced me to make my own lard - and prior to culinary school, I'd been a vegetarian for 16 years. But you know what? Lard is, in some ways, actually better for you than either butter or margarine. It has half the cholesterol of butter and it is full of UNsaturated fats. You know, the good kind. If you render it yourself, or buy some that has been rendered without hydrogenation, then you don't have to worry about that little bit of nastiness either. Here's more info: http://porkknifeandspoon.com/2009/04/10/lard-is-good/

This is the book with the most amazing tomatillo-roasted pork tenderloin recipe. You need a big pot for this one because it cooks partly on the stove-top and partially in the oven, but OH MY!!

I've checked this one out from the library on numerous occasions. It's on my Amazon wish list. It's definitely a winner.