A review by qu33nofbookz
City of Women by David R. Gillham


Hated this book! How do so many people like it? This is nothing more then a man's fantasies about women and how they would view sex in the timeline of world war 2 Berlin. Half of the book is really just a bunch of sex scenes strung together with a little bit of a side story that seems half developed at first and boring. All the characters are hypocrites. The MC is not likable at all if fact she's despicable. You can't relate to or feel for any character they are all horrible people not a single one is likable. Men should not be writing from a women characters point of view or at least Mr. Gillham shouldn't. His views on how women act and treat each other and react to things makes me think he hasn't spent time around many women. When not arguing with each other and insulting each other they are just used as sex receptacles for the men. The MC is obsessed with her lover to the point of a Manson groupie except that she would kill to keep him for her own sexual pleasure because she is written as a bitch in internal heat. Seriously she is sitting in the theater when this guy sits down, starts talking to her a few minutes later takes her hand and places over his erection and she decides to immediately have sex with him right there in the public theater seat!? (has this author been to a theater? Even the old time seats are not easy to do anything in but sit.) From there she meets up with this guy to have random sex (because sex with her husband sucked? She complains many times about this, she wants sex all the time and he doesn't and he is no good in bed) when it's convenient to him and manipulates the hell out of her. But from all this, and even really the first time they fuck she loves him...over her husband whom she could give two shits about. If you didn't love the husband why did you marry him? Don't think she ever loved him. But she'll do anything for her lover even when she finds out/knows he doesn't give two shits about her and is just using her for sex.

Lots of inconsistencies in the story and the timeline. The first half of the book there is so much jumping back and forth from the present to the past with no transition break or lead in it felt like a schizophrenic wrote it.