A review by greebytime
Point B by Drew Magary


Like all of Magary’s work, this was a lot of fun to read and more food for thought than you expect. Point B is more similar to his first novel, The Postmortal, in that Magary describes a “wouldn’t it be cool if” technology coming to pass (in that book, immortality, here it’s teleportation) and then goes on to paint a realistic world that shows just how dark it could become. In fictional ways, he takes on tech powers like Facebook, Men’s Right Activists and the Trump family all the while telling a fun story about a young girl trying to make sense of a world like this. It’s hard to read about the way this new culture wants to put up more walls to keep out undesirables without thinking of the US and it’s Trump-led immigration policy. The security force of PINE is a horrific future state of what folks say about ICE. And if Jason Kirsch ISN’T supposed to be a pisstake at Donald Trump Jr., I don’t know what to believe. And I’m here for ALL OF IT. But the future he paints is worse than that in smaller, clever and brutal ways I won’t spoil.

To me, THE HIKE remains his best work, but this still is a lot of fun and a pleasure to read. Well done.