A review by clgaston31
Boys Don't Cry by Jennifer Melzer


Tali, short for Taliesin, was living in Texas, getting ready to start her first year in college in the fall when her dad bought an old house in Pennsylvania and up and moved the entire family. Tali had the option to stay behind, as her father had done this in the past: bought an old fixer-upper, moved the family to it, and dove right in on his new project. But Tali opted to go because she knew her younger brother would be lost, have to start over finding new friends, and had a difficulty with changes. She wanted to be there for him. Besides, she had all summer to stay there before college started in which she was majoring in her passion, video games. But as soon as they pulled up into the driveway, she saw this boy and knew right then she needed to know him. Over the next several days, she would watch from her 3rd story bedroom window as the boy across the street sat on his front step and played the most heartbreaking songs on his guitar. She felt the need to know his story, why his songs were so sad. And finally one day she ran into him at the grocery store.

This was a beautiful, sad, emotionally up-and-down story. I love the building, the angst, and the whole process of Tali and Nate's relationship. This was such a great read! I highly recommend it!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review