A review by chelseammg
Complete Me by J. Kenner


I was SO excited to read this final installment of Damien and Nikki. I adore Damien. He is such a great character! This is Damien wrapped up in a statement:

"Empirically, he is gorgeous. But it is not simply his looks that overwhelm. It is the whole package. The power, the confidence, the bone-deep sensuality that he couldn't shake if he tried."


Then, you have those magical word that come out of him:

“I want to hold you close. To cherish and protect you. To draw you in until we are so close that I am lost within you. I want to take you to bed, to watch the way your skin tightens beneath my fingers, the way your body awakens under my touch. I want to trail kisses over you until you are lost in so much pleasure that you don’t know where you end and I begin. I want to tie you up and fuck you until there is no doubt that you are mine. I want to dress you up and take you out, and show you off, this beautiful, vibrant, brilliant woman. Everything I’ve built? All my billions? They have no value compared to you.”

*double swoon*

And he’s not kidding there. Not at all. Any man that would give up billions for the woman he loves? He’s a keeper.

Don’t you wish Damien was real?

Ok, on to the book:

When I finished I was, well… happy with the ending, I suppose. I was glad to see it all wrapped up and to see Damien and Nikki get their HEA. If I am looking at the entire series, I give it 4.5 lovely stars. However this book kind of fell flat. On its own I would give it 3 stars. I liked it, and I still love the characters it just felt like I could never really engage with it.

So what did we have in this book? It started right where Claim Me left off. Damien is in Germany fighting a murder charge. Nikki is trying to figure out how to survive all of it.

Then they have sex. Then they have sex again. And on the next page? Sex again! Seriously, so much SEX!

Between Damien and me sex is as necessary as conversation. It is our method of discovery. Our sharing of trust. And our ultimate surrender.

She wasn’t kidding. They have more sex than bunnies. I am surprised her lady parts weren’t screaming in protest! And don’t get me wrong, I love the sexy time. It just felt overdone for some reason.

Damien is still a control freak…but it works for them. In a way, Nikki needs that control in her life and she figures out why it works for them.

I think of the way he claimed me… And all the times that he has bound me, controlled me, a counterpoint to a world spinning away from him. We soothe each other, and I know that. I see that.

Nikki is healed in so many ways by Damien. You could see her become stronger through the series. I was thrilled with the way her self-harming was handled. It was never glossed over, it was never minimized and it never magically went away. It was real and you knew the reasons for it.

The last 20% of the book was really the best. We get the resolution we need, Damien and Nikki get the peace they both desperately need and there is drama and action.

So, the question is would I recommend this book. I will say yes. I would, because I adore the series. I love the characters and I think J. Kenner is an absolutely amazing writer. Seriously amazing. Even though this book wasn’t my favorite in the series, I still say read them all.

Damien is waiting for you!

**ARC courtesy of Random House Publishing Group via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**