A review by sparklingreader
Spellcasting for Beginners: A Simple Guide to Magical Practice by Michael Furie


This is an easy-to-follow book for the neophyte practioner. Michaels directions are well-written so that anyone can follow them, but not just anyone should. As he stresses time and again throughout the book, the casting of spells is something that needs to be approached with preparation and proper precautions. Although he gives multiple directions, it is the intent of the caster that is of utmost importance. One should not use spells to overpower the free will of others or negative energy will return to the caster. He also warns about not mixing magics from different beliefs as some are not compatible with others.

In the book, he gives recipes, easy spells, ingredients and lists of herbs to be used in casting. The spells are basic ones, but the preparations are the same - cleansing, preparation, intent. He goes into the timing of spells, whether the moon is full, new, waxing or waning, as well as day, time of year and more. In addition, he talks about charms, wardings, gems and crystals, poppets, cord and knot magic and more.

Overall, this is a really good book for someone just starting out. It is basic, but at the same time, full of good information that is both understandable and informative. But don't think the book is boring - it's not. This is a good book to read even if you never cast a single spell.

Definitely recommened for the neophyte witch and anyone interested in learning more about spell casting.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing this free ARC.